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What is it?

Advanced Electrolysis is used for the removal of cosmetic skin imperfections by using a small current of electricity to cauterise the problem area on the skin. This procedure can remove blemishes such as: Red Veins, Milia (white spots often around the eyes), Skin Tags and Blood Spots (on the skins surface). Advanced Electrolysis is suitable for all skin types and is an extremely safe treatment with long lasting results. 


How is it different from Cryotherapy?

Cryotherapy freezes lesions and relies on the intracellular fluid to expand causing cell death and therefore will take some time after treatment to see some improvement. Diathermy you will see instant results as it cauterises the lesions using heat and therefore some lesions will be removed during your appointment. It is important to note however, that the treatment may leave an open wound and therefore there is a risk of infection and scarring- although this is rare. 


Is there any down time?

Yes, you will most likely be left with a small scab which may take up to one week to heal. You will be given some aftercare gel to apply 2-3 times a day until the area has healed. You will need to try and keep the area dry until the scan has fallen off- no swimming or hot tubs- showers are ok but please do not soak/submerge the area. Your nurse will discuss other aftercare advice with you during your appointment


Are there any risks?

There is a small risk you may have a small scar at the site or hyper/hypopigmentation of the skin after removal. There is a very small risk of infection but this most likely if aftercare advice is not followed.  Very rarely people may experience some nerve damage in the area of the blemish, delayed wound healing, swelling, bruising or have an allergic reaction to the equipment we are using.


How long will the effects last?

Most blemishes, once treated will not return. However, there is  always a risk that the blemish will re-grow, or others may appear in the same area. If this is the case, repeat treatments may be required


Is it painful?

As we will be using heat Diathermy can be uncomfortable. It is for this reason we strongly advise you to visit your local chemist and purchase some Emla numbing cream and apply it 1 hour before your appointment. When you visit the chemist tell them you are having minor skin surgery (diathermy). This will reduce the discomfort to make the experience much more comfortable for you. Please see below video of how to apply your cream- this is for a different procedure but the principle is the same



Diathermy pricing is based on the timing of the clinician and appointment. The times below reflect the average lesions that can be removed. However, some may be easier or more difficult so actual numbers of lesions removed may vary. 

Please note that the pre treatment discussion and post treatment discussion, including any dressings applied will be inclusive of the times below and not in addition. 

Multiple sites and different types of lesions can be removed in one sitting, as long as they have been prepared using numbing cream. 

Aftercare support and guidance is included in the prices below. 


One Lesion Only                                                    £80

30 mins (approx 1-10 lesions)                               £120

45 minutes (approx 10-20 lesions)                       £160

60 minutes (approx 20-30 lesions)                      £200

Please note

The smaller the lesion the less time it will take to remove

If we finish all the lesions earlier than time booked we cannot refund the time 



Unfortunately, you will not be able to able to have blemish removal procedure if you have/are any of the following:

Under the age of 18 

Pregnant or nursing 

Viral or bacterial infections


Transmittable blood conditions like HIV or hepatitis 


If you have psoriasis or eczema in the treated area

If you are on Accutane/Roaccutane medication or steroids

Keloid scarring 


Undergoing radiotherapy or chemotherapy 

Pacemaker or major heart problems 

Uncontrolled diabetes 

Before & Afters

Below are some examples of our work 

The after photos are directly after the treatment- the lesion will drop off in the next few days and then the healing process will begin. 

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