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Spider Veins & Spider Naevus


What are Spider Neavus? Spider naevus is dilation of preexisting central arterioles from which numerous thin-walled capillary branches radiate like spider legs, carrying away freely flowing blood. They form due to the failure of the sphincteric muscle surrounding a cutaneous arteriole leading to dilatation of central arteriole.

What are Spider Veins? Spider veins are damaged blood vessels just under your skin that look red, blue or purple. They’re usually harmless. Spider veins don’t typically cause any symptoms, but rarely, may cause burning, itching or discomfort (especially in your legs). Treatments can get rid of spider veins and help you feel better about your skin’s appearance.

Why do they occur? There is no known cause for cherry angiomas, but they may be associated with certain health problems, lifestyle, or environmental factors such as: exposure to sunlight​, genetics, smoking, drinking alcohol, being overweight or obese

What can I expect following treatment? Spider veins respond very well to treatment. Spider naevi may be a little more difficult to treat but the results will reduce the redness and they will be less noticeable- both may need second treatments 2-4 weeks after initial treatment but the nurse will discuss this with you. After your appointment a small scab may form but this will usually drop off within a few days. Sometimes this may leave a hyper/hypo pigmented area- which over the 6-12 months will return to normal skin colour. (on very rare occasions the pigmentation changes may be permanent)
Treatment normally lasts between 2-3 years depending on your lifestyle.

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