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Skin Tags

What are they? Skin tags are usually the same colour as the rest of your skin, or a little darker. They can look like they're hanging off the skin. They do not usually hurt and are normally harmless. Skin tags often grow where your skin rubs together or where there are folds in your skin. This means they usually appear: on your neck, under your arm, on your eyelids, under your breasts, around your bottom. Skin tags range in size from around 2mm to 5cm. You may get one or you may get a large group of them.

Why do they occur? The cause of skin tags is not always known, but they are sometimes caused by skin rubbing against skin. Anyone can get skin tags and they cannot be prevented, but you may be more likely to get them if you're living with obesity or have skin folds that rub together, you have type 2 diabetes, because severe insulin resistance is thought to cause more skin tags to grow or if you're pregnant, as hormonal changes are thought to cause skin tag growth

Why can I expect following treatment? Depending on the treatment you opt for will depend on the immediate results. Most lesions will turn black and fall off over the following week. Sometimes with Diathermy they will be removed during the treatment and a small scab will be left behind. After your appointment a small scab or blister may form but this will usually drop off within a few days. This may leave new skin which is a slightly difference colour to the skin around it (hyper/hypo pigmentation) over the 6-12 months this skin will return to normal colour. (on very rare occasions the pigmentation changes may be permanent)

 If you have multiple tags Diathermy will be the most cost effective method of removal.

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