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What is Hyperpigmentation? Hyperpigmentation, or skin pigmentation, is when certain areas of your skin are darker than the rest. It’s a fairly common skin concern that affects people of all skin types. It can appear in smaller patches, cover larger areas, or—in rare cases—even the entire body. Hyperpigmentation happens when your skin produces more melanin than normal. Melanin is the pigment responsible for giving your skin its colour. The excess pigment is deposited deep within the skin, giving it a darker look than the skin around it.

What causes hyperpigmentation? These are some of the most common causes of hyperpigmentation:​ 

  • Sun damage. It’s no secret that UV rays from the sun are harmful to your skin. In fact, they are responsible for up to 80 percent of the signs of premature skin ageing. One of these signs can be hyperpigmentation in form of age spots due to the lifelong exposure to the sun. 

  • Chloasma (Melasma)- patches of dark pigmentation, usually on your face, can indicate hormonal changes. It is mostly, but not exclusively, associated with pregnancy hormones . During pregnancy, chloasma is sometimes called the ‘mask of pregnancy’.

  • ​Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. When your skin goes through an inflammatory phase, such as acne or eczema, it may go into overdrive and produce these darker spots after it heals.

  • Medical conditions. In some cases, hyperpigmentation can be a symptom of an underlying medical condition, such as Addison’s disease. If you’re uncertain about what is causing the hyperpigmentation, it’s always best to seek professional help from your doctor or dermatologist.


How do I prevent Hyperpigmentation? Although not all causes of hyperpigmentation can be prevented, there are some steps you can take to prevent certain instances of hyperpigmentation:

  • Avoid direct sunlight. Try to stay out of the sun during the peak hours of 10 am to 2 pm. Sit under a sun umbrella or in the shade when you’re outdoors to minimise your sun exposure

  • Use a hat. Shade your face and scalp with a wide-brimmed hat.

  • Incorporate Vitamin C into your beauty routine. Vitamin C is a nutrient-rich antioxidant known for its powerful skin-brightening and anti-aging capabilities that helps neutralise free radicals and limit the damage caused by excessive sun exposure, amongst other things.

  • Apply SPF. Choose sun protection that is SPF 50 and use it daily



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